How Alberooni Measured the Size of OUR EARTH

The Genius of Al-Biruni

In the 11th century, a brilliant Persian scholar named Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni (973–1048 AD) made one of the most astonishing scientific achievements of his time—calculating the circumference of Earth with remarkable accuracy. Unlike the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes, who estimated Earth's size using shadows, Al-Biruni used an entirely different approach based on trigonometry and a clever method involving a mountain.

The Experiment on a Mountain

Al-Biruni's method involved the following steps:

  1. Finding a High Mountain: He first climbed a mountain near Nandana (present-day Pakistan) to gain a clear view of the horizon.
  2. Measuring the Angle of the Horizon: He used a quadrant (a measuring instrument) to determine the dip of the horizon—the angle between the true horizontal line and the visible horizon.
  3. Applying Trigonometry: Using this angle, he applied trigonometric calculations to determine the radius of Earth. He assumed the Earth was a perfect sphere and used a formula based on the law of sines.
  4. Calculating Earth’s Circumference: Once he had the radius, he applied the standard formula for a sphere’s circumference: C=2πRC = 2\pi R His result was about 39,721 km, which is very close to modern measurements (40,075 km)—an astonishing achievement considering he used only basic tools and no satellites!

Why Is This Important?

Al-Biruni’s work was revolutionary because:

  • He was the first to measure Earth's size using a purely mathematical and observational approach.
  • His method was independent of assumptions like flat Earth or mythical explanations.
  • His accuracy was unmatched for centuries.

Modern Measurements of Earth’s Size

How Scientists Measure Earth’s Size Today?

Today, scientists use advanced technology such as:
Satellite Geodesy – Using satellites like GPS, GRACE, and GOCE, scientists can measure the Earth’s shape and size with millimeter precision.
Laser Ranging – Scientists fire laser beams at satellites and measure the time taken for the beam to return, allowing precise distance calculations.
Astronomical Observations – Space probes and observations from the Moon or Mars help refine Earth’s size calculations.

Modern Earth Measurements:

  • Equatorial Circumference: 40,075 km
  • Polar Circumference: 40,008 km (Earth is slightly flattened at the poles due to rotation)
  • Average Diameter: 12,742 km
  • Radius:
    • Equatorial radius: 6,378 km
    • Polar radius: 6,357 km

Interesting Facts About Earth’s Size

🌍 Earth is Not a Perfect Sphere – It’s an oblate spheroid (wider at the equator than at the poles).

🌍 Fastest Spinning at the Equator – The equator moves at 1,670 km/h due to Earth’s rotation!

🌍 The Moon Helps Us Measure Earth’s Size – Scientists used lunar eclipses to determine Earth's diameter by observing its shadow on the Moon.

🌍 Earth’s Size Changes Slightly – Due to gravitational forces, tectonic movements, and climate change, Earth’s shape shifts over time.

🌍 If You Drive Around Earth – If you could drive nonstop at 100 km/h, it would take about 17 days to circle Earth’s equator.

🌍 Earth Compared to Other Planets:

  • Earth is the 5th largest planet in the Solar System.
  • Jupiter is 11 times bigger in diameter.
  • Mars is only half the size of Earth.

Final Thoughts

Al-Biruni’s method, using simple trigonometry from a mountain, was one of the most remarkable scientific achievements of the medieval Islamic world. His results were only 0.9% off from modern values, showing how advanced his thinking was.

Today, satellites and space missions have refined our knowledge, but the foundation of Earth’s size measurement was laid over 1,000 years ago by scholars like Al-Biruni. His contributions are a testament to the power of observation, mathematics, and human curiosity.

Trigger Point - A Ray of Hope

The stunning reality of the world is "when you enter into a devastating situation then stand up to rise again and prevail with the overwhelming strength to achieve the desired objectives". and all this happens only when you have firm faith, hard work, and consistency to achieve the SMART goals.

Imran Khan, a person who is known to the world as a cricketer who won the cricket World Cup for Pakistan in 1992, Then established A cancer hospital and research center " Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital and Research Center" named after her mother and finally jumped into the political arena in mid of 90's.

Aiming to bring justice, education, health, and civic rights to the Pakistani Nation, A revolutionary slogan with "Change" comes and a new political force named Pakistan Tehrek-e-Insaf (PTI) headed by IK came into existence.

After so much struggle PTI came to the position where it stands today. During this journey, some of the politicians who used to be members of other famous political parties also joined PTI. Hard times came and the party firmly stood, organized, reorganized, and worked for the objective to change this system that cannot deliver.

I will not enter into any discussion which is just point scoring. 

Questionss arise who is right PTI or PML(N)?

If we argue PTI is aggressive and giving massive financial and political loss to Pakistan Govt. Then we must not forget the core facilitation of the state to an ordinary citizen of Pakistan. Basic citizen rights inflation, poverty, unemployment, security, health, education, infrastructure, and justice are the building blocks of the nation's rights. 

This democracy fails to deliver even the one third of the core responsibilities because of the corrupt politicians.Not objecting the democracy, but the way it is implemented in Pakistan is not acceptable. Democracy cannot deliver when you have corrupt politicians in the assemblies who came from the rigged electoral systems. Their priority can not be nation-building and they have proved it in past times.

Whichever institution you analyze you will feel that its functionality is not proper, people not working honestly, no checks and balances, and political influence on the administrators is dominant.

Division in society based on financial strength eliminated the middle class. Rich is growing more and poor to death. Anxiety and impatience are at the top limits of the citizens of Pakistan. It is all because of all those 

"Corrupt People who are governing the So-called Pakistani Democracy"

Democracy should prevail but not at the cost of poor population rights. If we pay taxes then who is accountable and responsible for this revenue if the state does not provide the basic needs of the citizens. Then what is the use of it?

All of us need to think and review our orthodox concepts and must dig some history and strategy points to understand and make sure our govt. shall go on the right track. If not then stand against it and fight for the rights.

Each one of us is part of this Nation. We must emphasize making this system correct. Not being biased on some views, we must try to search out the right ways how this system should run. Sacrifice is a must and shall go for it to save the country.

This is the right time to generate a wave of thought process and to put National Interest on top priority and this is mandatory at any level.

The Pakistani nation always asks where to start. I would like to state this is the starting point support it and fight for your rights at all levels. 
No violence, No anarchy, and no bearance for the Corrupt System. 

By: Wajid Ali Malik

Basketball Magic Waow

UK, Prime Minister David Cameron on Train

UK, Prime Minister David Cameron failed to find a seat on public transport (Train).
That's called Beauty of Leadership.

Muslims are Not Terrorists

Muhammad Shoaib Baig, Chief HR Officer and Vice President of Telenor Pakistan Joined PTI

Muhammad Shoaib Baig, Chief HR Officer and Vice President of Telenor Pakistan as decided to join PTI after being inspired by the Azadi March movement for Naya Pakistan!

This movement has been a monumental success already as it has united Pakistan and displayed the spirit of Pakistanis to a global audience.The power of people is Supreme who have shown that they have the courage to stand up against the oppressors. InshaAllah, the perseverance of our people will help us achieve our goal.

For now, let's celebrate a leader in the making, Muhammad Shoaib Baig! Here is his full profile:

Senior HR leader with international experience in various multinational companies.

Schooling- Islamabad, B.Engg (Hons) Civil Engineering Univeristy of Leeds, UK, MBA Univeristy of Leeds, UK

Chief HR Officer/Vice President Telenor Pakistan

Head of HR, Novartis Pharmaceutical ,Asia Pacific & South Africa, Singapore

Head of HR, Novartis Oncology, UK & Ireland 

HR Manager Unilever Pakistan
Global Talent Manager Unilever Plc, London UK. 

His words on why he is joining PTI?
"I am joining PTI on the call of my leader Imran Khan to stand up for our rights and say NO to injustice forever - inshAllah together we will make Naya Pakistan!"

Reading a novel can make real Difference

Reading a novel can make real, physical changes to your brain, according to research from Emory University. For two weeks, study participants read sections of a novel in the evenings, then had their brains scanned in the morning to track structural changes.

 Researchers found increased connectivity in areas of the brain associated with receptivity to language, as well as motor areas — which may explain why it can feel like you’re transported into the body of a character. Researchers believe that the increased connectivity is lasting, like a muscle memory, since these effects were still seen days after the novel was finished. Is there a novel that’s made a big impact on your brain?

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